Connecticut Hub

Status of Connecticut Social Studies and Science state standards

Social Studies

Connecticut, as of 2020, was one of only 10 states whose social studies standards made no reference to “climate change”, “sustainability” or “environmental literacy”. ( The standards are currently under revision which, if adopted, will provide direction and guidance to Connecticut teachers to help prepare their students for the economic, political, geographic, and social challenges related to climate change.


Prior to 2023, Connecticut teacher were permitted, but not required to teach about climate change in science classes. A new law in 2023 requires the teaching of climate change in science classes for grades 5 - 12. Although many science classes had some content on climate change, the new law protects the subject from being removed due to budget cuts or politics.

Our Exploring Climate - Connecticut Hub will provide Lesson Plans, Activities, Resources and Compelling Stories to inform, inspire, and engage students in meaningful, inquiry based learning opportunities.

Connecticut Teachers’ Guide to Integrating Environmental Literacy into Social Studies

Environmental Literacy in Elementary, Middle, and High School

Connecting C3 Social Studies Framework (“C3”) & Next Gen Science Standards (“NGSS”)

Sample Environmental lesson plans, activities, & resources for Social Studies classes

Aerial View of New Haven, CT, Hurricane Sandy Storm Damage, 10/30/2012

Photo by Robert Simpson, U.S. Coast Guard, Public Domain

(c) Jim Clifford, Exploring Climate 2023

Connecticut’s Environmental Literacy Plan

● The understanding of interactions between natural systems and human actions and the impacts that result from such interactions.

● The ability to make responsible decisions based on science, economics, culture, & ethics

● The confidence and motivation to exercise rights and responsibilities as a member of a community

A Virtual Tour of Long Island Sound Habitats Teachers Guide

The Long Island Sound Virtual Tour features seven habitats found in the LIS watershed:

  • Coastal grasslands

  • Salt Marshes

  • Beaches

  • Rocky Intertidal

  • Tidal Flats

  • Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Beds

  • Open Water